The DINO Award is one of AMUG’s most prestigious recognitions. Its goal is to recognize those that have contributed to AM, with the intent to advance the industry as a whole or to advance the skills/knowledge of individuals, in an altruistic, unselfish way. At the heart of the DINO Award is a passion for, and dedication to, AM that is coupled with a desire to share and to be accessible to others.
The nomination period for 2024 DINOs has closed.
Requirement for nomination submission:
— Those that submit a nomination must have attended at least one prior-year AMUG Conference.
Parimatch casino app Minimum requirements for nominees to be considered:
— Appreciable contributions of time/effort to AMUG through volunteer activities.
Any activities with AMUG can apply, such as pre-conference work on a committee or onsite conference help.
— Active in AM for ten (10) years.
AM activities must be related to industrial/commercial interests, which extend to activities that support/enable those interests, such as practical research and standards development. Nominee must have direct, personal involvement with the AM industry, its technologies, and/or its users. “Peripheral roles” within a company that has AM involvement will not satisfy the eligibility requirement.
— Attendee of at least three AMUG Conferences prior to the current year.
Acceptable conferences include those held by 3D Systems North American Stereolithography Users Group, Selective Laser Sintering Users Group, and 3DS Users Group.
DINO Award recipients must be in attendance at the AMUG Conference.
Those selected for a DINO Award will not be notified in advance.
Evaluation of Nominees
— Nominees will be evaluated based on tenure in, and their selfless (voluntary) contributions to, the AM industry. Specifically,
— The DINO Award recognizes AM expertise and a history of sharing that knowledge.— The DINO Award recognizes contributions to AMUG, its members and the AM industry as a whole.— The DINO Award recognizes a dedication to, and a passion for, AM.
— The candidates will be assessed in terms of the time invested, effort involved, impact made, and knowledge/insights shared while working to advance the AM industry. The selection process will also strongly consider the intentions of the nominee and the spirit in which actions were taken.
— In that this is an AMUG recognition, actions that support AMUG’s activities will have a slightly higher value than those conducted parimatch login through other AM programs or associations.
Selection Process
— The selection process has two stages:— Past parimatch sports betting DINO Award recipients will review the nominations received and cast votes for those they believe should be considered.— The DINO Selection Committee accepts these nominations and adds nominees selected from the conference attendee list. The committee then reviews, discusses and votes for the ten (or fewer) most deserving individuals.
—The DINO selection committee consists of one AMUG Officer that is a DINO and up to eight (8) DINOs that do not hold officer positions.